2017年8月3日(木) Perfect Liars Club「August edition@Good Heavens」:【旧】パーティアニマルズ~国際交流 イベント情報館~:So-netブログ

2017年8月3日(木) Perfect Liars Club「August edition@Good Heavens」 [スタンドアップコメディ]

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Perfect Liars Club Tokyo - the August edition

【詳細】 facebook
【主催】 Perfect Liars Club Tokyo
【日程】 2017年8月3日(木)
【時間】 8 PM - 10 PM
【場所】 Good Heavens British Pub
【住所】 東京都世田谷区代沢5-32-5シェルボ下北沢2F
・Advance reservation: 1700 yen (includes a drink) - note the 1700 yen includes service fee.
・Advance reservation with guaranteed seat: 2500 yen (includes a drink)
・On the door: ​2000 yen (includes a drink)

Perfect Liars Club is the smash hit US comedy story interrogation show taking Tokyo by storm. Four people tell a story, and three are completely true. But one person is telling you a lie. Listen, laugh, interrogate, vote. Can you spot the liar?

Buy tickets at http://www.perfectliarsclub.com/tokyo-shows.html

Buying a ticket guarantees entry at 1700 yen (which includes a drink). If you don't pay in advance, you can pay 2000 yen on the door, as long as we can squeeze you in.

Note: get there early for your choice of seats (or buy a fancy ticket to reserve a seat). Doors open at 7pm. And you can even pay a little more to guarantee a specific seat if you can't get there early.

Praise for Perfect Liars Club (Tokyo)

Tokyo Cheapo - Our favorite night in Tokyo.


Praise for Perfect Liars Club (Washington DC):

Washington Post - Perfect Liars Club is storytelling at its finest — honest

DCist - Wildly entertaining

DC Theatre Scene - Wonderfully mischievous, intellectually stimulating

DC Metro Theater Arts - A new way to claim superiority over your friends and give you bragging rights for weeks to come

NOTE: This show is in English - so come and enjoy it whether you're fluent or practicing!

【Good Heavensとは】
Good Heavensの詳細は⇒こちら

【twitter & facebook】
パーティアニマルズのTwitter & facebookページでは、さまざまな国際交流できそうなイベントについて、毎日つぶやいています。Twitterやfacebookを利用している方はぜひフォローまたは”いいね”してください。


ECC外語学院: レギュラーレッスンでは7段階(フリータイムレッスン10段階)で実力にふさわしいレッスンを受講可能
bわたしの英会話: 銀座、渋谷、新宿にスクールを持つ、女性のお客様限定のマンツーマン英会話。



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