2017年6月3日(土) Zane Carney Live!@Good Heavens:【旧】パーティアニマルズ~国際交流 イベント情報館~:So-netブログ

2017年6月3日(土) Zane Carney Live!@Good Heavens [Good Heavens]

ホームスタンドアップコメディ > 6/3:Zane Carney Live!


Zane Carney Live!

【詳細】 facebook
【日程】 2017年6月3日(土)
【時間】 5 PM - 7 PM
【場所】 Good Heavens British Pub
【住所】 東京都世田谷区代沢5-32-5シェルボ下北沢2F
【料金】 前売り2500円 / 当日3500円
※including a drink
【前売り券】 ⇒こちらから

We are absolutely thrilled to be hosting the amazing singer, songwriter, guitarist Zane Carney. Zane is known for his work with John Mayer, he has also worked with Stevie Wonder, Keith Urban, and Roy Hargrove, opened for U2, Fergie, and The Black Crowes with his band CARNEY, and worked collaboratively with Bono & The Edge (Bono described Zane as 'the best guitarist in New York), Don Was and Alex Da Kid.

As a solo artist Zane has been writing, performing and singing his own material to sold out audiences on both the east and west coasts. Zane’s songwriting style is grounded in storytelling and honesty and his voice has been compared to that of Jeff Buckley. He is an amazing talent and we are very lucky to have him playing in Good Heavens!

Follow Zane on Twitter and Instagram(@zanecarney) to get wind of secret shows, live streaming broadcasts and gig updates.

Zane Carney’s Confluence (Singer-Songwriter EP) and Amalgam (Jazz Guitar Album) are both available Worldwide on the iTunes Music Store

Tickets are 2500 yen which includes a drink. Should any tickets be available on the night they will be 3500 yen including a drink.

Good Heavens will be non-smoking before, during and for 2 hours after the show. There is a smoking area outside.

【Good Heavensとは】
Good Heavensの詳細は⇒こちら

【twitter & facebook】
パーティアニマルズのTwitter & facebookページでは、さまざまな国際交流できそうなイベントについて、毎日つぶやいています。Twitterやfacebookを利用している方はぜひフォローまたは”いいね”してください。


ECC外語学院: レギュラーレッスンでは7段階(フリータイムレッスン10段階)で実力にふさわしいレッスンを受講可能
bわたしの英会話: 銀座、渋谷、新宿にスクールを持つ、女性のお客様限定のマンツーマン英会話。



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